Accurate Perforating exhibited at the recent Greener by Design Conference and Expo in Elk Grove Village, IL.  The conference and expo are sponsored by the USGBC – Chicago Chapter. The overall first impression is that it was a very good show and a solid success.  This is an association event geared directly to local architects with an array of educational seminars and a well-targeted building products expo. 

The audience was interested, informed, and engaged.  This made for some very active conversations about Accurate Perforating’s product and service offerings to the architectural community including our standard pre-engineered sunshades and custom perforated metals for a variety of applications.  For a local show of its size and the limited invitees, the traffic was good.  The only criticism would be the long lulls in booth traffic while the attendees were engaged in the training sessions.  Otherwise, this was a well-planned and well-executed event.

We are looking forward to continuing the discussions that were started at this event.  Thank you to the USGBC – Chicago Chapter for such a great event.