How Accurate’s sustainable manufacturing can benefit your project

Sustainability is the practice of consuming resources that we need without affecting future generations. Accurate Perforating and Accurate Metal Fabrication not only produce material that shapes the environment or follows green standards for government incentives, we also focus on the manufacturing process using new 6R approach: Reduce, Redesign, Reuse, Recover, Remanufacture and Recycle. We believe these perspectives will reduce energy consumption and material waste while providing a much more effective process. These cost savings benefit both manufacturer and customer. 

  • Reduce: Energy Consumption 

New automation equipment & system: Accurate has been continuously updating and bringing in new equipment to increase our capabilities, productivities, accuracy, efficiency and work safety­­. We also take extreme care when selecting the proper equipment based on the project size and difficulty with the goal in mind of reducing wasted energy.


Experienced engineering advice: We can help you value-engineer your projects to ensure you receive components that perform flawlessly to your specifications. We strive to achieve the optimal balance between quality, cost, material waste and time.


  • Reuse: Manufacturing Oil

Reuse perforating oil: During the perforating process, light oil is sprayed on the metal surface to reduce friction. This oil will be collected and reused for future projects. 


  • Recover: Maintenance & Repair

In-house tooling department: We take special care of our pattern tooling to ensure its longevity while at the same time minimizing the waste. We have skilled employees and machinery dedicated to repairing and maintaining our tools


  • Remanufacturer: Design for adaptability

Counterweight ballast: The scrap from the perforating process such as steel & stainless steel can be remanufactured into new products such as ballast for construction equipment and more. 


  • Recycle: Waste Sorting

Scrap management: Accurate safely collects the scrap during the manufacturing process. We sort material in categories designed to optimize the recyclability of each material type.