SMART Consensus Sustainable Product Standards

According to the Sustainable Products Corporation, the consulting firm responsible for SMART Product Standards, sustainable products provide environmental, social, and economic benefits while protecting public health, welfare, and the environment during their complete commercial cycle, from the extraction of raw materials to final disposition. Through SMART, it is possible to identify transparent lifecycle-based metrics by which sustainable products can be identified. 

Incorporating and building upon other well-known sustainable standards and practices, SMART is recognized by the LEED Green Building Standard and the Leadership Standards Campaign of leading environmental groups, governments, companies, and purchasers. It has been adopted by leading environmental entities such as the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and some Fortune 500 companies with over $100 billion in annual sales.

SMART, or Sustainable Materials Rating Technology, is the consensus sustainable products standard for building products, fabric, apparel, textiles, and flooring that cover over 60 percent of the world's products. The central tenets and standards supported and recommended by SMART Standards include: *

  • A rating system of sustainable, sustainable silver, sustainable gold, and sustainable platinum
  • Multiple environmental, social, and economic benefits over the supply chain
  • Business benefits of cost savings, design innovation, product differentiation, long-term customer relationships, and liability reduction
  • Market definition of sustainable products
  • Life cycle environmental performance requirements for sustainable products
  • Social performance requirements for sustainable products over the supply chain
  • Define sustainable agriculture
  • Maximum credit/recognition overall product stages/entire supply chain for:
    • 100 percent reduction of over 1,300 pollutants covering 12 environmental impacts
    • 100 percent use of green renewable power
    • 100 percent post-consumer recycled or organic/BMP bio-based materials
    • 100 percent reuse/product reclamation
    • Social equity for manufacturers and suppliers

How SMART Green Design Benefits You

Accurate Perforating understands how SMART Green Design Standards relate to the aims of OEMs and fabricators. At the most basic level, perforated metal made with recycled content helps achieve all the following objectives, stylishly, functionally, and on a budget:

  • Reduce energy use in manufacturing and product performance
  • Minimize pollution and environmental impact
  • Reduce energy usage and resource consumption

At the same time, our engineers and fabrication experts can help you build green features and energy-efficient performance into your products by leveraging our expertise to achieve the performance specifications you require.

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* Source: