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Bar David, Gray Perforated Metal Fence

When workplaces pass on security fences, appearance is one of the biggest reasons is appearance. Let’s face it — standard chain link fences can be eyesores. But fences, in general, don’t have to be. Perforated fencing can improve overall appearance while protecting your property. It’s sturdier than other fencing options and can be customizable.

Why Is Perforated Fencing Better Than Other Options?

There are good reasons that businesses opt for a perforated fence over more classically designed fences. The general quality far exceeds that of wood or chain link. You can boil it down to two key benefits:

- Security. One of the significant weaknesses of chain link fences is that they can be scaled. Scurrying up and down a wall with built-in footholds requires little skill. Then, it would be best to consider cutting tools: A few snips make for easy entry for the more skilled intruder. The same can’t be said for perforated metal. Perforated metal fence panels can be made with tiny holes, making scaling far more complex. With more options for building materials, you can create a fence that is much less vulnerable to cutting. An intruder needs only to take one look at perforated metal and move along.
- Appearance Over time, standard fence designs can sag and warp. Even newer, tighter chain link fences look shabby and cheap. They do nothing to improve the façade of your property. Perforated metal, on the other hand, makes a wall look more deliberate and attractive. You have greater control over light and sound penetration, and a sturdy, sleek design makes the fence itself a decorative feature.

Of course, to enjoy the benefits of a quality perforated metal security fence, you need to have a good partner. That’s where we can help.

Metal Fence Panels: Accurate Perforating Company Has You Covered

We’ve built our business on quality products and endless customization options. We know that a single, simple solution won’t work for every customer, but innovative thinking and the correct fence panels and widths can make virtually any security fence idea possible. Accurate Perforating Company can walk you through your options, including size, length, pattern, material, gauge, finish, and more. We’ll get you the materials you need for your ideal level of security. Contact us today to learn more about perforated fencing options.